Spring Break

Let me start with a little background detail to start. My son is in 5th grade. His last year of elementary school. This is a very bittersweet time for both him and I. Spring break started for him today so I took the day off from my job at a bank to spend the day with him. Well, I got ditched….I suppose we are at that age where hanging out with friends is cooler than hanging out with mom. Now the old me (old as in 2 weeks ago) would’ve spent the day laying around in my pajamas, drinking coffee and binging true crime shows. But the new me won the battle. For today at least. I got up and went to the gym. Mind you, I am new to the gym scene. I hate the thought of other people watching me work out. I have always been a home work out kind of girl. The few times that I have tried this whole fitness journey anyhow. So my son goes off to the trampoline park with his friend and I got in my car and drove straight to the gym. I didn’t sit in the parking lot trying to psych myself up to go in. I just.went.in. Alone. I did end up seeing one of my good friends there so that definitely helped. I spent 2 whole hours there. I was still sore from yesterdays gym session but I pushed myself and let me tell you what, I felt AMAZING walking out of there today. I also felt like I was dying but that is besides the point. Then I drove to the tanning salon because why not? I’m feeling myself at the moment, lets keep this train rolling. My brother is getting married in 19 days so I should for sure be tan for the wedding, right? Maybe if I am tan that will be a distraction from the giant FUPA that will be protruding from my dress because I waited to fucking long to try to get in shape. Anywho, after I tanned I was starving so I can home and ate nothing but raw veggies. It is amazing how after you work your ass off at the gym the last thing you want to do is ruin that by eating shit. Not that shit doesn’t sound good, I just found a little of this so called will power that I have been missing. Then I cut my grass, showered, took my dog for a walk and then took my son shopping for a suit to wear to the wedding. I was go go go all day. This is so completely out of my comfort zone. As I sit here now, getting ready to make steak caesar salads for dinner, I cannot stop thinking about bed. I am so exhausted, but in a good, fulfilling way. My only hope for tomorrow is that I am still motivated and not extremely sore. One day at a time!

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