Happy Easter

What a busy day. I hope the Easter bunny brought you all some goodies. If you’re anything like me, you’re a sucker for Reece’s eggs. So lets get down to the nitty gritty. Time for some back story and accountability post. This will probably be my most embarrassing blog post. I have been dreading it since I decided to make a blog and new this day would come, so here it is. I have to post progress pics and weight changes. What kind of transformation journey doesn’t include those things? So I will bite the bullet and do it. I haven’t stepped on the scale in 2 weeks. I will weigh myself tomorrow morning and post the results. As of 2 weeks ago, I was weighing in at a very hefty 226 lbs. What the entire fuck. Now luckily for me, I am 5’10 so it gets distributed a lot of places but I still can’t see past my FUPA. My gut hangs way over my pants. I have giant love handles. My double chin is more of a quadruple at this point. Even my feet got fat as fuck. I can’t squeeze into any of my favorite heels anymore. So now that you have a nice idea of what I am working with, let’s remember how INactive I have been for years. Hate the very thought of working out, eating healthy, etc. Now pair that with chronic back pain that I have been struggling with for over a year now and that’s a recipe for a fat girl. Well are you ready for this?? I went to the gym 6/7 days this week. I can’t even believe I am typing that. I actually WANTED to go. So there is a step in the right direction. Now this back pain I mentioned? I finally got an MRI done this past Tuesday so now we wait to hear what the next steps are to hopefully get some relief there and oh my god if I am able to get even a LITTLE bit of relief, the sky is the limit. You see, I have been taking 3 800mg ibuprofen every single day for over a year. By evening time I am in complete agony. I can barely walk or stand. It’s terrible. Not a lot of people know about it because like I mentioned earlier, I tend to keep things to myself. A new symptom I have been deal with is shoulder pain and my left arm going completely numb. I am miserable. Please send good vibes that I get some answer and some relief. Now while I am working on getting physically strong, I am realizing how much mentally stronger I am already. Pushing myself to work out when I am tired or when I am hurting. It’s a mental game and I am going to win. Like right now for instance, I am trying to sit here and write this blog as my whiny 10 year old is sitting across from me throwing a fit because he can’t figure out something on his computer. I am using my newfound mental strongness to tune him out so that I can get this post finished. I win. Basically I just wanted to pop in and give a little insight as to what my setbacks have been and where I am at currently, let you see what I look like to keep myself accountable and to brag on myself for a little bit. I am proud of myself for going to the gym so many times this week. I haven’t been proud of myself in a very long time. I will update tomorrow with my weight and to start talking about some other shit I have going on that isn’t related to being fat. Toodles!

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