
So it’s been a few since I made a post. I had one started last week so I will start there then pick up present day:

Where to begin….I had a rough start to the day. I had a dr appt this morning and according their scale I have only lost 2 pounds. So either I have gained 4 in the last week or my scale is wrong. Either way it is very frustrating because I have been working REALLY hard in the gym and have been very mindful of my diet. I am feeling very defeated at the moment and my motivation is gone.

I also found out that I need surgery on my back. I am waiting to hear from the neurosurgeon to get this scheduled. Again, more bad news to start my day. This is just what I need right now. I am trying to lost weight and will now be laid up recovering from back surgery whenever the time comes. I am somewhat relieved though. The thought of being pain free is enough to make me cry. I also got my Dr to prescribe me some pain pills so that I can make it through my brothers wedding on Saturday. Silver linings right?

So that was all supposed to be posted last week but like the title states, I am a slacker. That brings us to today. Still feeling pretty defeated. In life in general i guess. I am stuck in a rut. I can tell that I have gained more weight. I am super poor. I am just not happy right now. But on the plus side, my brother’s wedding was PERFECT! I will post some of my favorite pics below. I wanted to add more to this post but my dog is barking and my kid keeps yelling for me. Ah, life is grand…

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